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Handling Conflicts with Patients: Tips for Smooth Resolution

Man in glasses covering his ears


Now more than ever, it is important to grow and evolve how we communicate with others, especially when we work in careers that involve heavy face-to-face interaction. Working in professional eye care means constantly consulting with patients, giving them practical solutions to their eye health concerns. With this close interaction, it’s inevitable that, at some point, there will be tension and conflict with your patient or customer (no matter how excellent your people skills are).


While some patients’ dissatisfaction can stem from legitimate reasons, sometimes, patients’ upset can stem from more unusual places, such as being unhappy with a pair of eyeglass frames that they themselves chose. No matter the reason for this unhappiness, there’s one thing we can be sure of: opticians cannot control how their patients behave and act. However, they can control how they react to these tense situations. Keep reading to learn some easy-to-implement tips for handling poor patient interactions and maintaining a thriving relationship with your patients.


Active Listening & Body Language

While it may seem obvious, really dialing in and listening to the patient’s concerns is one of the key components of resolving conflict. While it may be tempting to explain your reasoning to the patient or try to inform the patient why they’re incorrect, it’s imperative that you keep this mindset at bay. Pay attention to your body language when your patient is airing their grievances. Eye contact, nodding, and avoiding interruption are all simple yet powerful ways to validate your patient and let them know that you are listening and considering what they have to say. 


Maintaining one’s composure is an important part of diffusing difficult patient situations. If you as the practitioner remain calm with the patient during a moment of heightened emotion, you can influence your patient to also stay calm. 


Communicate with Compassion

Another critical component of patient problem resolution is communicating with compassion. Even if the patient’s dissatisfaction seems illogical at first glance, it’s important to put yourself in your patient’s shoes and display genuine concern for their grievances. By acknowledging and validating the patient’s dissatisfaction, you’re building trust with them, which can then open the door for patient education and helping them understand your perspective. When both parties can communicate their points of view clearly and calmly, the chance of resolution increases.


Be a guiding light

Instead of dwelling on the patient’s dissatisfaction, try to redirect the conversation in a more positive direction that focuses on finding a practical solution to their problem. Providing the patient with options can also help give them a sense of control. Asking for their input helps them feel like they are a part of the solution and allows you to incorporate some of their suggestions if feasible.


Ask for help

There may come a point where the situation has escalated too far, or you can no longer offer solutions that are within your scope of expertise. If this is the case, it may be helpful to bring in a manager or another authority figure within the optical practice to offer their outside perspective to the patient. 



Even though we as eye care professionals cannot control when or why a patient may become upset or disgruntled, we can look within ourselves and exhibit calm, solution-oriented behavior to counteract this hostility. As with any conflict, the main issue typically boils down to one thing: both parties want their perspectives to be heard and acknowledged. By implementing some of the behaviors discussed above, you’re setting yourself up to be successful in all sorts of patient interactions, whether positive or otherwise.


About A&A Optical

Since 1971, A&A Optical has been offering premium eyewear styles to optometrists, ophthalmologists, and independent eye care retailers across the globe. With ten high-quality collections, including licensed brands like Aéropostale and RACHEL Rachel Roy, A&A Optical has a frame for every style, face shape, and budget. Bring A&A Optical frames to your optical shop today by visiting our website and contacting one of our sales representatives.

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