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Great Glasses: More Than Fashion & Fit

Woman buying sunglasses from A&A Optical


What makes a pair of glasses truly “great”? For some, it might be a matter of fit and style. For others, they may see a “great” pair of glasses as a pair that was purchased for a reasonable price. Ask anyone who wears glasses what makes a pair of eyeglass frames good, and they’re likely going to give you a variety of answers. For eyecare professionals, however, a great pair of glasses is more than just a pair of fashion-forward frames; it’s the experience that the patient has all through the buying experience from the moment they walk into the optical shop.

True Patient Satisfaction

What makes a customer truly satisfied? Customer satisfaction can have many different definitions depending on the person being asked. For some, customer satisfaction is simply not having any customer complaints. For others, “satisfied” customers can range from patients who feign happiness but are unsatisfied to patients who truly enjoy their eye care service but fail to tell others about it. Customer satisfaction has to move beyond just addressing complaints; it should focus more on the customer’s values and how to meet those expectations. It’s also important to understand the difference in perspective between patients and opticians. 


For patients, a great pair of glasses is often determined by things like fit, style, price, and vision, with style and price often the main concerns. But the experience doesn’t stop here; value continues to be perceived over the life of the frames through elements like adjustment needs, scratch resistance, and ease of cleaning. Patients also assess quality through interactions with their practitioners, both during and after the purchase has already been made. These interactions offer optical offices a unique opportunity to connect with clients on another level, an opportunity that is not easily emulated by other sales channels.

The Best Products Make for the Most Satisfaction

When the Apple iPad was released to the public, many critics were skeptical of the tablet’s lack of memory, keyboard, and expansion ports. Today, the iPad is seen as the pioneering product of the digital tablet market. Even though the iPad was initially greeted with some negativity, consumers soon grew to love it because its features went beyond their initial expectations. Similarly, professional eyecare providers should always be recommending the best and most innovative products to their patients, even if they’re unsure about the pricing.


If you are always keeping the patient’s best interest in mind and recommending the best products available, you’re creating a bond of trust that further advances the “great glasses” experience that so many people are looking for. However, like most patient interactions, this discussion will vary between each individual, and it’s crucial that you are able to tailor your presentation to your audience and guide them to the best decision without coming off as forceful or a know-it-all.

Value Goes Beyond a Number

When it comes to discussing value, it’s important to remember that the price-performance value ratio is ever-changing, which means that buyer reactions to higher prices of varying options can vary drastically from person to person. Discount techniques, such as suggesting frames that are lower in price than customer expectation or utilizing timed sales, may seem like the obvious way to make a sale. However, these techniques can undermine the value that is brought by brick-and-mortar practices, ultimately lowering your competitive capability against online channels. Instead of competing on price alone, try presenting value through brand storytelling and establishing trusting relationships with your patients.

Five Steps to Making a Great Pair of Frames


The pre-sale experience can begin in a number of ways. Some patients may find out about you through a web search or a recommendation from a friend, or they may know of your practice simply because they are local residents. In any case, a potential patient should be greeted warmly, regardless of where they purchased their glasses or what their intention is by visiting your location. 



Storytelling is extremely important in the selling process. Not only should you have good stories surrounding the frames you sell and the services you provide, but you should also prioritize telling the story of your practice and how it came to be. This story should present your establishment’s values, knowledge, and experience when it comes to eye care. These elements should be consistent in how you interact with patients and should reveal themselves in how others describe you and their experience with your practice.


In addition to telling your own story, it is just as important that you as a practitioner understand your patient’s story. Asking intuitive questions and listening to their desires and needs helps you create a profile for your patient, allowing you to develop a more tailored recommendation and buying experience.



Good stories must be accompanied by premium eyeglass frames and offerings. Don’t immediately default to low pricing as a reason to buy. Tell them about the different frames you offer, what their purpose is, and how they can enhance their eye health experience. When it comes to pricier frames, it can be helpful to focus on brand story to help heighten perceived value and make the patient more open to a higher price tag.


If you’re looking to expand your offerings with a greater variety of high-quality inventory, consider adding some frames from A&A Optical to your boards. With over 50 years of experience and over 80 new models launching yearly, you never have to worry about staying stocked with premium, fashion-forward frames.



The post-sale aspect of the frame-selling experience might be one of the most important steps in improving patient satisfaction. Post-sale refers to the time period after the frames have been given to the patient, but it can also refer to providing services to patients who did not initially purchase their eyewear from your practice. By welcoming both types of clients, you are positioning your practice as a place where patients with all types of needs can access high-quality and skillful care. 


Building trust

Although all of the previously discussed aspects are important in the frame selling and buying process, building trust with your patients is the most critical component. Because most customers aren’t in tune with ophthalmic optics, it’s important to recognize that their trust in the quality of service you’re providing is already in a delicate balance. Do everything you can to ensure that the products you carry are top quality, that accidents are minimized where possible, and that your patient feels like they are more than just a number.


Overall, a great pair of glasses hits all the marks: style, comfort, fit, price, and positive practitioner-patient interaction. Going the extra mile to ensure that patients feel that you are always looking out for them should be seen as an investment in marketing, not a loss of profit. Providing a great buying experience for patients results in their trust and loyalty in your practice, an invaluable asset in today’s marketplace. By keeping the points discussed above in mind, you’ll be able to provide a great pair of glasses every time.

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