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Frames For Faces of Any Shape

Frames today come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Despite many young adults using them as a way to “fit in,” “look cool,” or even “look smart,” the utilitarian aspect of corrective lenses is still at the forefront of the industry due to the continuous increase in the need to correct vision impairments. But in 2022, eyewear has a new emerging market that is taking over the industry, the need for extra large frames.

Did you know that there are over 500,000+ google searches for “wide glasses frames” every single month? Probably not, but that number amounts to over six million yearly searches for larger than standard frame sizes, so trust us when we say, wide frames are here to stay!

As crazy as it is, the demand for wide frames actually comes from an anthropological change in people over the last century. Over the last 100 years, the average human’s head is consistently getting bigger. Plenty of people tend to shed light on the matter that we might all be getting smarter, which in part is true, but still, with the development of faster and more efficient food supply chains as well as the widespread access to modern medicine, the human race is, well, growing.

This growth is essential to the optometric world because people are the customers. When the average person grows, the demand for new markets increases, and this is that need for extra large frames!

A&A Optical’s XXL Eyewear is engineered for the man with special fit needs. Not only are these glasses created with wider bridges and longer temples in mind, as well as ample headspace with eye sizes from 55-63mm, but they also feature classic, athletic and uptown styles. These frames are available in titanium, acetate, semi-rimless, and combination styles to fit the fashion needs of any man who requires a little wider frame, and soon, that will be mostly men.

If 177 million Americans are using some sort of eyewear, the need to cater to all of them, especially the customers with specific special fit needs, is critical for any optometric office! So here are 4 ways you can keep all patients happy even if they have special fit needs and require large eyewear!

  1. Bring in A&A Optical’s XXL Eyewear brand to your office!
  2. A&A Optical, serves over 5,000 optometric offices all over the United States making it super easy and efficient to get any brand into your office! By bringing in XXL Eyewear, your office could be catering to a whole new demographic that will be so grateful to have their special fit needs met. 


  3. Understand the demand for large eyewear needs!
  4. Large eyewear is a huge emerging market and understanding the demand for large eyewear is going to be pertinent to your office. Wouldn’t you want to be able to meet the demand in the office as much as it is being searched for online? The answer should be yes. With over 500,000 monthly google searches for “wide glasses frames” being typed into a search bar every month, the demand is clearly there. 

  5. Figure out the clientele that will be interested in extra large frames
  6. It’s important to not that not everyone will need extra large or wide frame glasses, but the people that do, it might be their only option for the perfect fit frames. Generally wide frame glasses or extra large frames tend to run in between sizes from 55-63mm. XXL eyewear by A&A Optical not only caters to these larger size needs but come in classic, athletic and uptown styles. The majority of people searching for wide frames tend to be men and with the growing need for extra large glasses, knowing that people are going to be coming in looking for larger frames, having them at the ready for your clientele is going to be pertinent to catering to your clients. 

  7. Always have extra large frames available for your clients!
  8. With thousand of sales reps all across the country, being able to have XXL eyewear in stock at your office will be easier than ever. A&A Optical has just launched its new website with a new product experience coming in early 2022 to make the ease of buying even more efficient than before. To make sure that you always have extra large glasses in stock at your office, get in touch with an A&A Optical sales associate today by going to our website and finding the tab “where to buy.” 

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