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6 Ways to Increase Eyewear Sales During the Summer

Aeropostale eyeglasses with colorful frames


It’s common for the eyewear industry to experience a dip in sales in the summer months, especially June and July, as many people are on vacation and busy with summer festivities. In August during the back-to-school season, sales usually pick back up and surge dramatically which can be overwhelming to businesses.

However, there are various strategies businesses can implement to boost sales during the summer which can also help ease the overload in the following months. Keep reading to discover six ways to increase eyewear sales in the slow summer months and help your business’s sales stay steady and consistent year-round.

Customer Education About Sun Protection

One way to increase eyewear sales in the summer is by educating patients about the importance of protecting your eyes from the sun. Many people enjoy the summer’s warm weather by spending time outdoors, but they often aren’t aware of the serious harm that the sun can cause to our eyes if they’re exposed for long periods of time.


One of the easiest and most effective ways to protect your eyes from the sun is by wearing sunglasses. Educating patients about the necessity of protecting your eyes from the sun during the summer can increase sunglass sales while also informing them of this important eye health topic.


Seasonal Promotions

Another strategy to increase eyewear sales during the summer is by launching seasonal promotions for eyewear popular during the summer such as sunglasses and sports glasses. During the summer months, opticals can activate different types of promotions on eyewear such as discounts, free with contatct lens year supply, and BOGO (buy one, get one free) offers.


To maximize awareness of these deals, businesses can launch them around holidays when consumers are likely to already be shopping. Seasonal promotions throughout the summer may entice patients to purchase summertime eyewear which can bring about more sales and potentially new customers.


Promote Eyewear Designed for Summer Activities

Many people spend their summers engaging in activities such as water sports, outdoor sports, and visiting a beach or lake. During these activities, patients can benefit from specific types of eyewear that are designed to protect their eyes during them such as sunglasses, sports glasses, and eyeglass straps.


Throughout the season, opticals can release additional promotions for eyewear that patients can use during common summer activities which can produce more sales.


Summertime Giveaways

Giveaways provide customers with an exciting opportunity to engage with a brand. During the summer, opticals can introduce giveaways for their patients that offer them the chance to win summertime eyewear such as brightly colored glasses, sunglasses, or sports glasses.


Giveaways can increase a brand’s customer engagement levels and expand its reach to new and existing customers which can lead to increased sales.


In-Store Events

Opticals can also increase eyewear sales by hosting trunks shows featuring a frame manufacturer for patients, their friends and families. These events will allow patients to try frames from rep’s sample bags which may make them more inclined to make purchases. Additionally, the events may increase trust and loyalty between the business and their clients leading to stronger, long-lasting relationships.


In-store events are a great opportunity for businesses to display their products to their audience and provide them with an experience which can generate more sales.


Encourage Customers to Purchase Back-to-School Glasses Sooner Rather Than Later

Eyeglasses are often on a parent’s list of items to buy for their child before they go back to school which makes August one of the busiest months for eyewear purchases. Businesses can send their customers promotional messages reminding them to purchase glasses for the school year sooner rather than later to avoid items running out of stock or not arriving in time for the start of school.


These reminders can help opticals increase eyewear sales during the summer and avoid feeling overwhelmed during the back-to-school rush in August.



In the eyewear industry, the summer months are often notoriously slow for sales as many families are busy focusing on their summer plans. However, there are various ways that Optometrists can increase their eyewear sales during this season including through additional promotions, events, and patient education.


If you’re interested in boosting your eyewear sales this summer, consider implementing some of the above strategies, or consider purchasing some new inventory from A&A Optical. With hundreds of designs for sunglasses and eyeglasses frames, you’re guaranteed to have a style for everyone. Focusing on increasing your sales during this season will help ensure that your business is reaching its sales goals continuously throughout the year.

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